216 kS/s, 24-bit, 8/4-ch Dynamic Signal Acquisition PCIE Card
- 1、8/4通道同步采集,每通道可达216 kS/s
- 2、24位分辨率,动态范围115 dB
- 3、宽电压输入范围:±0.2 ~ 10 V
- 4、内置抗混叠滤波器
- 5、适用于测量集成电子压电(IEPE)传感器,软件配置可提供4或10mA激励电流
- 6、软件可选AC/DC耦合
- 7、全自动校对
- 8、多卡同步采集
The Advantech PCIE-1802 is a 24-bit high-accuracy data acquisition PCI Express module specifically designed for sound and vibration applications. This module has built-in 4 or 10 mA excitation currents for IEPE sensors such as accelerometers and microphones.
产品型录 (PDF)