With 5 USB 2.0 ports, USB-4620 enhances its isolation protection to 3,000 VDC for each downstream port, making every USB device connected with USB-4620 could operate independently and safely. Designed for industrial applications, USB-4620 is able to be mounted through several types, such as DIN-rail mounting, wall mount, and VESA mount. Other than that, USB-4620 is equipped with lockable USB connectors and screw holes, allowing each device to be connected firmly with USB-4620. Though the standard USB cable is made for easy plugging and removing, it is critical to have reliable connections while operating for automation control and online production applications.

- 5个USB下游端口
- 兼容全速USB2.0
- 下游端口3,000伏直流电压保护
- 适于DIN导轨安装
- 1根可锁死USB电缆
- 10~30伏直流电压输入(不含电源适配器)
With 5 USB 2.0 ports, USB-4620 enhances its isolation protection to 3,000 VDC for each downstream port, making every USB device connected with USB-4620 could operate independently and safely. Designed for industrial applications, USB-4620 is able to be mounted through several types, such as DIN-rail mounting, wall mount, and VESA mount. Other than that, USB-4620 is equipped with lockable USB connectors and screw holes, allowing each device to be connected firmly with USB-4620. Though the standard USB cable is made for easy plugging and removing, it is critical to have reliable connections while operating for automation control and online production applications.
产品型录 (PDF)

Plug-and-Play USB DAQ Modules

Advantech's USB DAQ modules, USB-5800/4700 series, are suitable for diverseindustrial applications that require easy-to-install portable I/O capabilities. With itsplug-and-play USB interface, users can easily extend or upgrade their system's I/Ofunctions, especially ideal for systems without PCI/PCIe slots.
Feature highlight
Ease of Use
- Detachable Screw Terminal with On-Module PinAssignment Index
- The front-facing LED indicators, ID switch, andterminal blocks provide convenient access foreasy installation and maintenance (USB-5800series Only)

Safety and Reliability
- Advantech provides lockable USB cables to preventthem from being unplugged accidentally.
- Equipped with Level 3 electrostatic discharge andsurge protection. (USB-5800 series only)
- Features advanced functionalities, such as AutoRecovery, Output-Locker, and link reconnection, toensure zero failures. (USB-5800 series only)

Support daisy chaining of up to five modules,which eliminates the need to adopt a USB hubto expand the system I/O. (USB-5800 series only)
Product Specifications