PC/104 模块
研华 PC/104 工业级通讯板 (PCM -3700 系列) 具有以太网络、RS-232 或 RS-422/485 端口,专为需要高可靠性与易用性的通讯应用而设计。 这些 工业级通讯板可以安装在嵌入式多端口应用。
32-ch Isolated Digital I/O Card
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- 32-ch isolated DI/O (16-ch digital input w/ Digital filter, 16-ch digital output)
- High output driving capacity
- Interrupt handling capability
- High-voltage isolation on output channels (2,500 VDC)
- Connector for isolated input and output channels
The AIIS-1750 offers isolated digital input channels as well as isolated digital output channels with isolation protection up to 2,500 VDC, which makes them ideal for industrial applications where high-voltage isolation is required. All of the input signals can be used as interrupt request signals and also disable or enable the interrupt in each channel and support the edge of the input signals, at which to generate an interrupt. all of AIIS-1750 DI channel has a digital filter to prevent wrong recognition of input signals from carrying noise or a chattering.