研华的多端口串口通讯卡旨在为外场设置提供多种高效能外设设备环支持RS-232/422/485 串口通讯协议。 每张通讯卡只需要一个 PCI 、PCIE或 ISA 插槽,以提供独立的串行通道。 此外,研华的多端口串口通讯卡有助于用户有效避免严苛环境下的系统更新破坏。
2端口RS-232/485 含隔离PCI通讯卡
- 符合PCI总线协议2.2
- 支持串行速度高达921.6 kbps,支持任何波特率设置
- RS-422/485的2端口接口
- PCI即插即用,自动分配输入/输出地址
- 支持操作系统:Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
- 浪涌保护
The PCI-1601 and PCI-1602 are two RS-422/485 PCI communication cards that are compatible with the PCI 2.2 bus specification. Both cards provide EFT protected RS-422/485 ports, and come with features such as: high transmission speed of 921.6 kbps, optional isolation protection, windows utility software and more. The cards also come with high-performance OXuPCI952 UART with a 128-byte FIFO to reduce CPU load. This makes the PCI-1601 and PCI-1602 especially suitable for multitasking environments.
产品型录 (PDF)