2014年EPICS实验物理及工业控制系统国际会议 |
信息来源:本站原创 添加时间:2014/5/19 16:23:19 中科院近物所于2014年5月19号到23号在兰州承办“EPICS实验物理及工业控制系统”国际会议(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System),本次会议的主题是实验物理与控制系统的发展和技术方案。
会议期间有世界各国加速器实验室控制系统负责人和主要技术主干参会并做相应的技术报告;同时,与加速器控制领域相关的工业控制厂家和技术人员也将参会,并在会议展台对其产品做技术介绍和展览。 During the meeting, there will be many directors of accelerator laboratory control system and main technique backbones from all over the world participating and give presentations.
Meanwhile, the industrial control manufactures and technicians related to the accelerator control field will attend this meeting too. And they will also exhibit and introduce their products
会议的时间一般固定为5天,前三天为每个实验室控制系统的情况介绍,最后两天用于介绍新的EPICS模块和版本,并且做一些简单的培训和入门介绍。自1994年开始,一般每年都要召开2-3次EPICS国际会议。其中固定一次在美国召开,另外一次由欧、亚、澳洲的实验室轮流举办。 The meeting will usually be fixed to 5 days. The prior three days will be used to introduce the situation of every laboratory control system. The last two days will be used to introduce
the new EPICS modules and versions. And they will also do some simple training and introduction. Since 1994, EPICS international meeting will be held 2-3 times a year. One of them |